Session Titles and Descriptions

We are so blessed to have some of the top experts on life, family, and single parent ministry present this year! We truly hope these sessions provide you with the hope, encouragement, and resources you need to not just survive the single parent journey -- but rather, to THRIVE! 

  • Dawn Vanderwerf

    Single Parents Spark Kingdom Movements - Stories from the Early Church

    How does God want us to speak into this shifting family culture? What does God want to say to churches so they can be relevant to “the other half” of families in our communities? Discover how God’s plan, his heart and his priorities regarding single parent families haven’t changed since the days of the early church, and learn what it was about ministering to this population that birthed extravagant generosity, compassion, and explosive growth. (For Leaders)

  • Matt Haviland

    There’s No Such Thing as a Fatherless Child

    In a world that seems to be dominated by the effects of fatherlessness, we will take a fresh approach to why ministering to single fathers is so crucial to generational change, and how we can start making an impact TODAY. (For Leaders)

     Dangerously Off Course: Getting Out of Enemy Territory

    We don’t always go looking for trouble, but it sure can seem to find us. Small, subtle decisions, if left unchecked, can lead to disaster when we don’t get back on course soon enough. Based off actual events, this session will leave you equipped to not only engage our enemy—but become overwhelmingly victorious through faith and hope in Jesus Christ. 

    (For Single Parents)

  • kris swiatocho

    Stick a Fork in Me, I'm Done: Avoiding Leadership Burnout

    Hear Kris as she shares her own journey of failing to stop before she dropped and how God taught her some key points that will encourage you, help you stay on the right course and even increase your desire to minister. (For Leaders)

    Building Your Own War Room of Prayer

    Everyone struggles with finding regular time to meet with God. Come and hear Kris as she shares an easy way anyone can create a War Room. A room where you not only can talk to God and go to war in prayer, but see Him move in ways you have never experienced before. 

    (For Single Parents) 

  • pamela hillman

    Shelter in the Storm – Where Do You Find Refuge When The Worst Happens?

    Sometimes we are where we are because of choices we’ve made. But sometimes we find ourselves trapped on the edge of a cliff because of things that happened to us that we had no control over. Hear one woman’s remarkable story of how 35 years of being tossed around by the storms of life turned into a beautiful story of redemption. (For Single Parents) 

  • lori wildenberg

    Messy Journey: How Grace & Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home


    There are parents in the pews silently suffering due to their young person's prodigal issues. This workshop will equip Christian leaders to reach out to these moms and dads -- ways to create support through community, prayer, and strategies on how to interact with the prodigal.  

    (For Leaders)

    I Don't Want Independent Kids 

    With the best intentions and great love often single moms and dads reinforce a strong independent spirit in their children or encourage a co-dependent relationship with their kids. Rather than parent in these two ways, discover the most satisfying course to raising kids. Learn how to easily weave desirable character qualities into everyday interactions, conversations, and even discipline. (For Single Parents)  

  • tim grissom

    What the Church Did Right to Keep Me On Course as a Single Dad (For Leaders)

    True North – Parenting With the End Goal in Mind (For Single Parents)

    Tim Grissom is the senior editor and director of FamilyLife Publishing. He has written numerous articles and has contributed to and coauthored several books, including Seeking Him and Imitating Jesus. Tim loves to help people understand how deeply the Bible speaks to the issues of life and to encourage them to find their rest in God. 

  • Cal & Judy Boersen

    The Power of One: Opening Our Homes and Lives to Family Single Moms and Kids

    Eight out of 10 homeless families are comprised of a single mom with children. Hear stories of transformation and hope that will encourage you to consider how God might be calling you or your church to come alongside these families. Discover some of the very practical ways you can serve these families and encourage them...and how investing in just one single parent can have a much greater impact then you might expect.That’s the power of one. 

    (For Leaders) 

  • jennifer finnegan-pool

    Untangling a Single Parent’s Story

    Do you have a heart to reach out to single parents, but feel unsure about the best way to approach them? In this class we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts of initial conversations, how to follow up and create a safe place to help her untangle her personal story and begin a journey toward healing. Learn practical techniques and questions that build trust, show grace, and lead the single parent to personal breakthrough. (For Leaders)

    Walking in Mid-Air: 6 steps to Finding Your Footing

    Walking in Mid-Air calls you to resist measuring your life’s success, future goals, and self-worth by the circumstances surrounding you and instead beckons you to embrace the reality of the present with the certainty of God’s plans for the future. Actively engage in the truths that will free you to walk confidently, joyfully, and purposefully in moments of uncertainty, while discovering immediate next steps to ground yourself. (For Single Parents) 

  • jonathan venlet

    Handling Today’s Money with Tomorrow in Mind

    Do you ever wonder how you can possibly save or plan financially for the future when all your money seems to get sucked into necessities you and your kids need today? In this session, we’ll look at ways to navigate this financial balancing act as a single parent on a very modest income; and creative and resourceful ways to meet today’s financial needs while getting on track to achieve your goals for the future. Creating a financial plan can be one of the most important things that helps you live with more joy and freedom. (For Single Parents)

  • alisha lauchie

    The Effects of Screen Time on Children’s Brains

    Technology is ever growing, ever evolving and almost everywhere! Every day we are seeing the creation of new apps, games, and technology. Children and teens can spend hours on their tablets and phones playing games and watching TV shows. While these devices can feel like a lifesaver at times, it is important for us to look at how screen time can affect specific areas of functioning such as school performance and social skills along with tips for how to monitor and manage this screen time as a parent. (For Single Parents) 

  • steven kreitzer

    How Many “Likes” Do You Need to Like Yourself?

    How you feel about yourself and where you get your worth will shape the worth of your kids! Find out how to get your worth from the right place(s) so you can find healing for yourself and teach your kids to see themselves the way God sees them. (For Single Parents)